Ash Custer

Ash Custer // //

I feel humanity has cast aside our great ape cousins, treating their home as something that can be destroyed in the hopes of turning a profit. It was estimated in 2016 that orangutans will be extinct in 25 years at their current rate of decline. In Borneo and Sumatra, the native homes of the orangutan, it is estimated that 50,000 of their numbers have died as a direct result of deforestation. Learning this is just more fuel for my fire to educate my audience on orangutan habitat destruction. I think it is important to educate my audience on the palm oil industry and how it is directly responsible for the destruction of the orangutans' habitat. I also think it is important to provide my audience with information on how they can help to save the orangutans. There are many things that everyday folks can do to help, such as avoiding products that contain palm oil and supporting companies that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. There are also many organizations, such as the World Wildlife Foundation and The Orangutan Project, that are working to save the orangutans. Though the organizations that are working towards saving the orangutans are wonderful and do a lot for the cause, I wanted to condense this information they provide into a format that is easy to digest for someone who is interested in the topic but would be easily bored by a list of statistics presented in a more academic format. I felt this would be best accomplished by combining both an infographic with a poster by putting the more dense information into the booklet, which would then fold out into an appealing and eye catching a poster of a baby orangutan.