Gillespie Gallery
April 8 - 27, 2019
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 6, 4-7pm
Geometric Abstraction in Latin America examines the legacy of twentieth-century geometric abstraction and the influence it continues to exercise over several generations of Latin American artists of diverse origins, styles, and intentions. The selected works give an account of various aesthetic dialogues that have taken place concerning geometric abstraction within the different generations of artists in Latin America. At the same time, the exhibition celebrates the diversity of an optimistic continent with a will for social and political change. Although the cultural, political and economic context of each country is unique, a high level of correlation between young and emerging artists in the region is revealed.
The selected works reveal the historical continuity of Venezuelan Kineticism, Argentine Concretism, Peruvian and Colombian Universal Constructivism, the Mexican avant-garde art’s use of pre-hispanic symbolism, and the ways in which the perceptions of a new generation of artists are expanding upon the visual languages of their predecessors, experimenting with new materials, current technologies and political consciousness.
In an effort to expand the global discourse on the paradigms of contemporary art of the past and present, the exhibition includes works of art made in a wide variety of media such as painting, photography, and sculpture, mostly created between the 1960s and the 1970s. All of the works are representative of geometric and abstract art in Latin America

Exhibition Curator: Gabriela Rosso
Gabriela Rosso is a Venezuelan psychologist, involved in the art world for more than 15 years. In the past as Director of the Daniela Chappard Foundation and curator of the art gallery of the foundation and the organization, she was responsible for several auctions of painting, sculpture and photography to support the work of the foundation in HIV/AIDS prevention. Then as Director of “Por Amor a Arte”, “Por Amor a Vida” in Brazil, she organized art auctions to finance private initiatives to support the fight against HIV/AIDS and violence against women. She is currently in charge of Rofa Projects, whose objectives are the promotion of art made by artists from Latin America.
Download the “Geometric Abstraction in Latin America” exhibition brochure here.