Youssef Radwan

BFA New Media


ARTIST STATEMENT: “Again” takes inspiration from lo-fi and storybook aesthetics to tell a short story about childhood. Childhood is a big part of everyone’s life, it’s where everything about us as individuals takes form, and the smallest things feel like they’re everything. I attempt to tell a story of some of the things we go through and learn as children from our interactions with people and the world. Kids are also naive, and I try to bring that to life in the video with the character's personalities, movements, and expressions. I chose to make this video because with everything that’s happening in the world right now it’s easy to get caught in all the bad and see only that, and it’s even easier to miss the small things that make life beautiful. I try to remind the audience of a time in their life when things were simpler, and nothing else in the world mattered except the closest things around us, which is an important sentiment that we lose as we grow older, and we start taking the things closest to us for granted.

digital animation, Duration 1:35

Behind the Scenes: The Making of “AGAIN”