Xiao Gu

BFA New Media

Artist Website: xgu980716.github.io/xgu980716-XiaoGuHome/

ARTIST STATEMENT: When I was in high school, I first realized the power of new media. At that time, I wanted to use new media create my stuff. Coming to study in the United States gave me an opportunity to make art with new media. I believed new media will be the primary form of art in the future. During my time abroad, I also felt my strong sense of nationality. Therefore, I insist on combining Chinese art and Western art into my work now. I want my work to serve as a window for western audiences to learn about China.

For my senior work, “I saw”, I used three landmarks of the US, Lincoln Memorial, Washington monument, and Congress, to combine with Chinese famous painting “Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountain”. These buildings and painting contain the culture and history of their respective countries. I hope my work can be a bridge between two different cultures.