Claudia Casarino

Walking together: for them and for us

Pm / Am

Pm / Am is a work that is articulated as a feminist questioning of the oppression imposed by the power of the heteropatriarchal capitalist system.

Presented for the first time at the Tijuana Biennial, Pmam, through the use of tulle basted with cotton threads, Casarino reflects the invisibility of the double working day for women.

Women do that 'invisible work' that makes the world work. The work that remains indoors: cleaning, cooking, taking care of children and many other works associated with caring for others.Her story explains the constant use of the woman's body as a space and scene from which to become aware of gender issues and of the body always under tension.

A version of this work was installed in the former Hotal Italia brothel in Asuncion. Thus confirming the invisible double working day, at night as a sex worker and during the day as a caretaker of household chores, hence the name.

The shadows reflected on the wall continue the drawing and thereby reaffirm it. Just as they reaffirm the universe of women as a subject of social transformation.

Claudia Casarino (Paraguay, 1974)

Casarino´s artworks often deal with subjects surrounding gender issues, beauty canons, the roles imposed to women and those that women impose on themselves. 

These explorations are frequently intertwined with the body and its relationship with clothes. Her work brings her personal history which she transmits  through her own body, to bring it to the social dimension. 


She studied visual arts at Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Since 2006, Claudia has been director at Fundación Migliorisi an institution that conserves, promotes and diffuses art and design.  Among her recent solo shows are Mala Hierba / Yerba Mala in collaboration with Claudia Coca (Galería del Paseo, Lima, 2020); Iluminando la Ausencia (Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las  Palmas, España, 2018); Trastornos del Sueño (Haw Contemporary, Kansas City, 2017) and Contrafuga (Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar, Asunción, 2017). She has participated in  multiple collective exhibitions such as Futuro Volátil (Casa Naranja, Córdoba, Argentina, 2018); Entre el Mañana y la Muerte (Museo del Barro, Asunción, 2017); Migrantes (En el arte  contemporáneo) Hotel de los Inmigrantes (MUNTREF, Buenos Aires, 2015). Casarino has also been part of Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan, Puerto Rico (2015); I Bienal de Asunción,  Paraguay (2015); 54 Bienal de Venecia; Trienal de Chile, Museo del Barro, Una mirada múltiple, Santiago, Chile (2009); V Bienal del MERCOSUR, Porto Alegre, Brasil (2005) and VII Bienal  de la Habana, Cuba (2000). 

She has done a residency in Gasworks, London. In 2011, Claudia received the honorable mention from the national award by Bellas Artes Paraguay. Her work  belongs to different art collections that include Casa de las Américas, La Habana; Fundación Migliorisi, Asunción; Centro de Artes Visuales, Museo del Barro, Asunción; Colección de Arte  Contemporáneo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo; Victoria & Albert Museum and Spencer Museum, Kansas.