Bader Alsaleh

BA Graphic Design with a minor in Web Design


DESIGNER STATEMENT: I’m a graphic designer who focuses on connecting Saudi Arabian culture to my work in many forms such as colors, shapes, and patterns. I always deliver my work as best as possible; I make it understandable, relatable, and appealing to the eye. My work consists of creating flyers, magazines, and posters. My designs are printed on t-shirts, posted on social media, or even printed and framed. I also create videos that explain my work or how it was done to add additional information and context.

I designed a full outfit inspired by fashionable street wear. The outfit consists of a t-shirt, dress shirt, jeans, shoes, and accessories with them. My artistic focus is to connect my cultural identity as a Saudi to my work. I developed my designs by focusing on the memories, places, and feelings I have for my culture. For instance, I’m using patterns inspired by traditional living room cushions and seating areas where people back then sat on the ground for the shoes and t-shirt designs. Another example for a pattern I am using on the dress shirt is inspired by traditional structures you can find inside mosques.

For those who didn’t walk in my shoes, I want you to experience my culture by viewing my artwork. I want those patterns to be recognized and connected to Saudi by people who haven’t been there. I want to appreciate the Saudi Arabian culture and show how artistic the culture is.