Ashley Ruben

BFA Graphic Design


DESIGNER STATEMENT: I began my graphic design journey as a member of my high school’s yearbook staff. Through photojournalism and graphic design, I fell in love with the idea that pictures and visual art have the power to tell a story just as much as words do. I was very shy growing up and I could never really put what I was feeling into words. I had no idea where my life was going, and I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to contribute something to the world. Graphic design gave me that outlet and I finally feel like I’m doing something meaningful with my life. All the hardships I’ve faced and everything I’ve been through has led me to this very moment. The theme of my high school yearbook was “One Thing Leads to Another” and I’ve truly embodied that not only as a designer but throughout my entire life, and I couldn’t be more thankful to be where I am today.

Joining a sorority was also something I was unsure about. I’ve always stood out from the crowd and stereotypical sorority life is all about conformity and fitting in with a certain group of people. Since joining my organization, I have learned that there is no such thing as the perfect sorority experience. This project is all about shattering these preconceptions of sorority women and showing that the sorority experience is simply what you make of it. My book serves as an exposé of the real sorority experience, and who better to tell it than a real sorority woman?